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family-like relationships where everyone has a voice
family-like relationships where everyone has a voice
family-like relationships where everyone has a voice
family-like relationships where everyone has a voice
family-like relationships where everyone has a voice
family-like relationships where everyone has a voice
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Our Community

Our team is made up of international teachers, assistants, specialist support staff, operations staff and leaders. Everyone in our team is valued equally; irrespective of their position on their name badge. We are professional, committed, collaborative and fun. We are all here for our students.

Japanese Team Leader, PYP & MYP Japanese Teacher
Communications and Admissions Assistant

Our Families

We are a welcoming, vibrant community representing a range of nationalities, cultures, identities and beliefs. We embrace the same values and mission as the school. We are commited, supportive, open-minded and fully engaged in school life.

Parent Community

We are all members of the TIS Family Community (TFC); our parents association. Everyone is welcome to join in the fun. Activities include: fundraising, organizing events for our children, social events, parent sports and assisting new families to settle into our wonderful city.

TIS Board

Tokyo International School is a non-profit organization governed by seven community volunteers; collectively we are known as the TIS Board. We empower the Head of School to be the educational leader and, in partnership with us, the Head has clearly defined responsibilies and accountability for student learning, well-being, global citizenship, and the culture of the school as a whole. Our role is to: to hire, nurture and evaluate the Head of School, to develop and approve the strategic plan, to monitor implementation of these plans, to develop and approve school policy and to ensure the financial health of our school. We do this in in congruence with Tokyo International School’s mission, vision and values.

Eager to join our team?

we seek teachers who share our values,
our mission and our love of learning

we seek teachers who share our values, our mission and our love of learning

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our teachers care about our safety and wellbeing; they advocate for us and protect us
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our teachers are learners too; they reflect, question and critique
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our teachers are playful, fun, and positive; they focus on our strengths
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our teachers challenge, encourage and support us; they care about our growth
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our teachers motivate and inspire us; they make learning capticating and provoking
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our teachers put us in the driving seat; they promote our voice, choice and ownership
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Our teachers care about our safety and wellbeing, they advocate for us and they protect us.
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Our teachers are learners too; they reflect, question, critique and volunteer what they themselves still need to learn.
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Our teachers are playful, fun, and positive. They take learning seriously but they do not take themselves too seriously.
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Our teachers challenge, encourage and inspire us.

Our teachers buy into our school identity, values,
programs and initiatives.

Apple Distinguised School

Tokyo International School is a non profit school, which is accredited by the Council of International Schools and the New England Association of Schools and Colleges.
We are a fully authorized, International Baccalaureate World School, catering for students from Kindergarten 1 (four years old) to Grade 8 (fourteen years old).